
Use DateWare to Build Your Own Social Platform


If you’ve been thinking about starting your own social network, it’s time to stop thinking and start doing. You can use DateWare to create a completely customized social platform that will allow you to control all the data on your site and offer new features that none of the other platforms are offering. And best of all, it takes just a few minutes to get started.

Step 1: Create an account

To get started, you will need to create an account. Creating a free account is easy and takes less than two minutes. Just click on the “Create Account” button on the site.

If you want to try out their system before actually signing up for anything, you can always sign up for their 30-day trial version. This is completely free and you won’t be charged anything until after your trial period has expired. However, if you decide that the system is right for your business in less than 30 days, you have the option of upgrading from the trial plan to one of the paid plans (which starts at $19/month).

Step 2: The Dashboard

The Dashboard is your control center for your DateWare site. It’s where you can view the status of your site, manage your categories and make changes to your site.

Step 3: Customize your settings

Customize your settings.

You can choose to use your own domain name or use the free one provided by DateWare. You can also decide whether you want to pay for an SSL certificate or use a free one.

Step 4: Add/Update Your Categories.

  • Click the green + sign to add a new category.
  • Click the name of an existing category to update it.
  • Click the red X to delete an existing category.
  • You can also change the name of any category by clicking on it and typing a new name in its place (the “Add Your Own” section).

Step 5: Set your payment settings.

  • Set your payment settings.
  • Choose the payment method. You can choose to use Stripe or PayPal as your payment method, but Stripe is highly recommended for its ease of use and accessibility.
  • Set your price. The best way to determine what to charge is through research on similar platforms, competitor analysis, and user surveys. This will help you determine a fair market value for your product based on what others are charging in their industry. It’s important not just because pricing too high will dissuade people from joining (or even buying anything), but also because it could turn some potential customers away if they feel like they’re being overcharged or that the product isn’t worth it—which would be bad news for any company trying to make money via subscriptions!

Your own social platform

You can build your own social platform now that you’ve created a DateWare account!

You can add your own custom fields to the platform and make them required or optional. You can also choose whether they are free-form text fields or drop-down selections with predefined options.

You can add your own custom user roles and set permissions for each role. For example, if you want guests to be able to view profile photos but not comment on them, then create a guest role with the appropriate permission level and assign it to those users who only want their profile photo on display (i.e., no other content).

You can also add payment settings for each user role so that anyone who wants premium features will have an easier time paying for them within the app itself rather than having another payment processor involved in the process at all times (which means less hassle overall).

Finally, there are settings available that allow users themselves control over certain aspects of their experience such as what notifications they receive or what type of advertisements show up on their profiles; these too may change depending upon which roles have been defined within this section so check back frequently since we’ll be adding more functionality soon!


Building your own social platform with DateWare is very easy! If you have any questions or need help with anything, the DateWare team is always there for you.

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